2811-LCD4.0-18 DISPLAY ELEKTRONIK Display: LCD; digital; STN Positive; No.of dig:4; Char:17.8mm

Part Nnumber
Display: LCD; digital; STN Positive; No.of dig:4; Char:17.8mm
Basic price
10,27 EUR

The product with part number 2811-LCD4.0-18 (Display: LCD; digital; STN Positive; No.of dig:4; Char:17.8mm) is from company DISPLAY ELEKTRONIK and distributed with basic unit price 10,27 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Attention! This product is sold up to the quantity available in stock. In case of larger orders, the amount will be replaced by the available quantity. Display type : LCD; digital Display technology : STN Positive Number of displayed digits : 4 Window dimensions (H x W) : 63.5 x 24.1mm Digit height : 17.8mm Storage temperature : -20...65°C Dimensions : 69.8 x 38.1 x 1.1mm Operating temperature : -20...70°C Manufacturer : DISPLAY ELEKTRONIK

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(keyword 2811-LCD4.0-18 DISPLAY ELEKTRONIK Display: LCD; digital; STN Positive; No.of dig:4; Char:17.8mm)
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